- Omrani R, Mobasher B, Liang X, Gunay S, Mosalam KM, Zareian F, Taciroglu E (2015). “Guidelines for Nonlinear Seismic Analysis of Ordinary Bridges: Version 2.0,” Caltrans Final Report No. 15-65A0454. [download from ResearchGate]
- Kaviani P, Zareian F, Taciroglu E (2014) “Performance-based Seismic Assessment of Skewed Bridges,” PEER Report No. 2014/1, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Berkeley, CA. [download from PEER]
- Taciroglu E, Shamsabadi A, Abazarsa F, Nigbor R, Ghahari SF (2014) “Comparative Study of Model Predictions and Data from the Caltrans-CSMIP Bridge Instrumentation Program: A Case study on the Eureka-Samoa Channel Bridge” Report No. UCLA-SGEL 2014/01, Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Los Angeles (also Caltrans Report No. CA14-2418). [download from Caltrans, or ResearchGate]
- Kijewski-Correa T, Taciroglu E (2014) “Chapter 7. Case Studies: Structural Identification of Buildings” in Approaches, Methods and Technologies for Effective Practice of System Identification: A State-of-the-Art Report, ASCE-SEI Committee on Structural Identification of Constructed Facilities, Ed. A.E. Aktan. [download from ASCE]
- Shamsabadi A, Xu S-Y, Taciroglu E (2013) “Development of Improved Guidelines for Analysis and Design of Earth Retaining Structures,” Report No. UCLA-SGEL 2013/02, Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Los Angeles (also Caltrans Report No. CA13-2270). [download from Caltrans]
- Taciroglu E, Khalili-Tehrani P (2008). “M7.8 Southern San Andreas Fault Earthquake Scenario: Non-ductile Reinforced Concrete Building Stock,” in The ShakeOut Scenario, Eds. Jones LM, et al., United States Geological Survey, USGS Open File Report 2008-1150. [ download from USGS ]
- Haselton CB, Mitrani-Reiser J, Goulet C, Deierlein GG, Beck J, Porter KA, Stewart JP, Taciroglu E (2008). “An assessment to benchmark the seismic performance of a code-conforming reinforced concrete moment-frame Building,” Report No. PEER-2007/12, Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley. [download from PEER]
- Stewart, JP, Taciroglu E, Wallace JW, Ahlberg ER, Lemnitzer A, Rha CS, Khalili-Tehrani P, Keowen S, Nigbor RL, and Salamanca A (2007). “Full scale cyclic testing of foundation support systems for highway bridges. Part I: Drilled shaft foundations,” Report No. UCLA-SGEL 2007/01, Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Los Angeles. [download from Caltrans]
- Stewart, JP, Taciroglu E, Wallace JW, Ahlberg ER, Lemnitzer A, Rha CS, Khalili-Tehrani P, Keowen S, Nigbor RL, and Salamanca A (2007). “Full scale cyclic testing of foundation support systems for highway bridges. Part II: Abutment backwalls,” Report No. UCLA-SGEL 2007/02, Structural and Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory, University of California, Los Angeles. [download from Caltrans]
- Taciroglu E, Hjelmstad KD (1998). “Constitutive modeling of the resilient response of granular solids,” Civil Engineering Studies, COE Report No. 5, UILU-ENG-98-2013. [also PhD dissertation of E. Taciroglu]